The Georgetown Field of Honor has donated $31,000 to veteran and first responder nonprofits thanks to funds generated during the 2021 Field of Honor.
“Hosted by the Rotary Club of Georgetown, TX, the Field of Honor® is a dramatic, emotion-filled display of up to 1500+ full-size, 3′ x 5′ US flags, that honors military (past and present) and first responders…Each flag is available for purchase and dedication in honor of veterans, active or reserve duty military, K9 Units, and first responders…and equestrian units,” according to the event’s website. “The net proceeds from the Field of Honor® flag sales directly benefit veteran and first responder-related non-profit organizations.
Beneficiaries are selected through a grant application process. Applications for consideration were received and reviewed by the Field of Honor® Beneficiary Committee.
Seventeen nonprofit organizations sold a collective 188 flags, for which they collectively received just under $2,000 in shared revenue according to the number of flags sold. Affiliates also provided 721 hours of volunteer service during the week of the event that increased their share of flag revenue, the organization said. The total net flag revenue added up to $38,500.
Admiral David Maserang (ret.) served as Beneficiary Committee Chair and introduced those receiving the funds from the Rotary Club during the awards presentation.
Those who were awarded checks include:
- Birdwell Foundation – $7,000
- Chris Kelley Foundation – $7,000
- Dilworth Chapter of the MOWW – $7,000
- Heroes Night Out – $7,000
- Corporal Chad Oligschlaeger Foundation – $1,000
- Rally Point Outdoors – $1,000
- Veterans Suicide Prevention Network – $1,000
Additionally, $7,500 of the raised funds was allocated by the Rotary Club of Georgetown Foundation for the Club to perform service opportunities for veterans and first responders and their families such as building ramps for disabled veterans and first responders and providing scholarships to children of veterans.
You can view a gallery of the check presentation ceremony below: