The newest members of the Georgetown City Council were sworn in on Monday, May 16.
Ron Garland now represents District 4, formerly represented by Steve Fought, and Ben Stewart now represents District 7, formerly represented by Tommy Gonzalez. Councilman Mike Triggs was also re-elected for a second term as representative for District 3. Councilman Kevin Pitts was also re-elected as Mayor Pro Temp for another year.
“I want to thank all my supporters, and I hope I live up to what you expect of me,” Councilman Mike Triggs said at the meeting.

Image Courtesy: City of Georgetown
Outgoing Council Members Steve Fought and Tommy Gonzalez offered some remarks before the new council members took their seats, each reflecting on the unique culture in Georgetown, TX.
“Gina and I are very fortunate to have found Georgetown, and we want to thank the many communities and many leaders who have made this community, have made our town the wonderful place that it is, and that attracted us to come here in the first place. We all know that Georgetown didn’t become the place that it is by accident. It took a lot of hard work by a lot of great people over a long period of time to make it the way that it is,” Councilman Steve Fought said. “Serving on the City Council has been a highlight. I’ve enjoyed it tremendously, but it’s time to step aside and turn the duty over to Ron Garland, who has been elected as the new District 4 representative to the Georgetown City Council. He will be great. Thank you again for these opportunities.”
Councilman Tommy Gonzales, who has represented District 7 for the past 12 years, also said he is looking forward to seeing the new council carry forward the success the community has enjoyed and continues to enjoy.

Image Courtesy: City of Georgetown
“I obviously want to thank all the constituents in District Seven, and in Georgetown in general for their support and allowing me to represent them. It’s not something you take lightly. It’s an important responsibility, and I do appreciate them doing that,” Councilman Tommy Gonzalez said, “I look forward to seeing more success and that continual culture that makes us a wonderful city to work for, live in and be around.”
Incoming Council Members Ron Garland and Ben Stewart also made remarks at the meeting, each applauding the service and stewardship of their predecessors.
“There is no way that I can replace and equal what Steve Fought’s done for this community for the last nine years,” Councilman Ron Garland said. “There is the opportunity to continue to serve this community with a mindset that says, ‘What can we do to ensure that Georgetown is the place that we all want to live?’…On behalf of my wife, myself, and those closest to me, I just want to say thank you for the opportunity to serve.”
Councilman Ben Stewart also highlighted the giving and serving heart that thrives in Georgetown, and committed to do his best during his tenure.

Image Courtesy: City of Georgetown
“Getting here and being here for the last 10 years, pulling back the covers and understanding what the people here are about, what this community is about, the willingness of everybody to serve each other, it’s again, truly humbling to sit in this position, and I will do my God’s best to serve this community as best I can,” Councilman Ben Stewart said.
County Judge Bill Gravell, who swore in the new and returning council members, also addressed the council at the meeting honoring the service rendered by outgoing council members and encouraging those who will now serve.
“Today, two giants walk out of this room that make it very easy for you to stand upon their leadership and to press forward,” Judge Bill Gravell said. “But, for us that serve, our time and season is now and it is time for us to be giants. Think about all that’s been accomplished in their term, and think about the privilege that God gives you to serve, and as county judge, I want to say to the newest members, congratulations. Thank you for being willing to serve the people, your work is only begun. Remember that you are serving God, our Texas and the City of Georgetown.”
Learn more about the City Council members on the City of Georgetown’s website by clicking here.
You can view the entire meeting and listen to each council member’s full remarks below: